
Legendary Dragon of WhiteNo PictureEP13-JP051Extra Secret Rare โปรดเสนอราคา
Legendray Magician of DarkNo PictureVB14-JP051Extra Secret Rare โปรดเสนอราคา
Gold SarcophagusVB09-JP002Ultra Rare โปรดเสนอราคา
Monster RebornBE1-JP114Ultra Rare โปรดเสนอราคา
Monster RebornBE01-JP133Ultra Rare โปรดเสนอราคา
Monster RebornGS01-JP013Gold Rareโปรดเสนอราคา
Monster RebornGDB1-JP013Gold Rareโปรดเสนอราคา
Heavy StormBE02-JP068Ultraโปรดเสนอราคา
Yugioh Deleux SetDeleux DeckDeckโปรดเสนอราคา
Yugi Structure Deck StructureDeckโปรดเสนอราคา
Yugi Structure Deck 2StructureDeckโปรดเสนอราคา
Limited Theatre Version UnopenYST--deck Deckโปรดเสนอราคา

Condition - This service is only available if you are in Thailand - Your identity will be discreet. No one will know that we buy from you
- Please email us at jayjayjayjay@gmail.com regarding the items that you want to sell with prices and their condition ( A / B / C - A being the 100%, B being little scratch, and C having big scratches on them). We will email you which items we are interested with the price you mentioned. We are happy to meet at Crystal Park (Tang reab tang duan). Please call 0854835483 for appointment
- No minimum purchase
- We will be as fair as possible on the items. There should be no problem if the condition is as stated in the email.
- All card price may change if(sudden reprint)
- You must accept that all purchase are made for selling at jakarade.com store. If you are not happy, please do not sell to us.
- Just started Buying. Price change will depend on demand and supply

We just started Buying. So hopefully with this, our store will be cheaper for high demand cards!
This service is only available if you are in Thailand