I have gathered here an easy to read guide to what is considered the most important cards/competition in yugioh history. Sure, there are other cards not in here that are very small in numbers. However, the ones in here are the cards/tournament that people will talk about years to come from now. It is the best of the best. If you have any of these cards, hold on to them because they have been a milestone to yugioh history. Please take good care of them and do not expose them to bright sunlight for a long time (or even neon light). If for some reason, you want to sell them, please sell them to a real collector. Sell them to the ones that will take good care of them and not just give it to someone just because you love them.
The first five Championships explained are the ones that took place in Japan. During those years, there wasnt any TCG yugioh card game. Therefore a lot of us would consider those five tournaments in Japan to be the Official World Tournaments. The rewards are priceless and those who have the prizes are holding a very iconic item. When TCG started in 2002, I would assume it took a year before the Official World Championship kick-off. From then on, the world championships are the real milestone in yugioh competition. You have to be on top of the rest to win those cards. National Competion for each countries dont matter. Because you are not yet the best in the world for that year. If you are, then you have to qualify and win the World Championship.
Please note that from 2004 to 2012, all World Championship prizes are TCG (English) and have never been printed in OCG(Japanese). After 2013, this was all changed when 2012 First and 2nd World Championship Winner Prizes were printed in the OCG. However, the OCG version have the word "REPLICA" in both cards meaning that they are not the original
So I give you, the yugioh milestones. Please enjoy!
Source: yahoo/ebay auction/Official Master Guide/yugioh wikia/yugioh players, photos from google,