Item Condition
At our website, we understand that product condition is important to our customers. That is why we have put in product condition beside our product list as a general guidance. See below
There will be three conditions stated.
100% (A) - This condition means that the item falls into one of the two catagories
1. - If the item is single cards, that means the card has been taken out of a pack/box and put straight into folder/container/box. The item will have never been played before. If the item is a box or packs, it means, the box is in very good condition aswell.
2. - The item was repurchased from a credible store that has stated that the card is in Mint condition. The card is then re-examined when it arrived at before putting it as condition A
95% (B) - If the item is single cards, this means that there maybe slight damage to the card itself on the back/side/corner of the cards. Some items may be slightly more damage than others but in general, most customers would not mind this small damage and sometimes condition 95%(B) can even be A. Some really old cards are even condition 95%(B) when it was taken out from a pack (we had first hand experience). However, we put some of our cards in this condition to avoid problems. If you are purchasing this condition please be sure that the item may not be in totally perfect state.
If the item is box/ packs, this means that the box may have slight torn/bend on the box/packs. We nearly always put very old box as condition 95(B) . The card condition will still be condition 100%(A) because they have never been opened and the damage is not close to the cards inside.we judge that from our experience. The price of this condition will be low than similar item with 100% (A) condition.
Torn(C) - If this is a card condition, this means that the card has obvious damage to it or big scratch etc. This will be a lot cheaper than the other two condition. We put it as Torn just to tell our customer that it is the lowest grade for our condition. However, the card will still be playable and for those who do not really care about card condition then this condition will be acceptable for you.
If this is a product or pack, this means that the prouct will have obvious torn or may have been exposed to too much sunlight that it may effect the card inside.
Please note that we use our judgment base on our experience and years in handling yugioh goods. We underestand that there may be differences in opinion on condition 100%(A), condition 95%(B), and rare misjudge in judgment. We try our best to comply with standard but please understand that card condition is only a general guidance. For individual who knows that they have higher standard than ordinary individuals, we recommend you to avoid placing order to avoid problem.