Welcome Back  to Jakarade.com
Our website is now available to order again. However, the website update will come later on this year as it is taking longer than usual to finish the update. However, we are trying our best to finish as soon as possible. What we can do is, give you a glimpse of what is to expect from the new System
+ You can have your own shop at jakarade.com website (jakarade.com/yourshopname)

+ You can have your own navigation bar on the left. E.g. you can put a link for duel terminal cards(if you sell duel terminal cards and people can click on it and see them at your shop)

+ You can add products and auction into your shop so people can bid/buy for it.

+ More options will be available with increase sale amount. So for example, if you sell more than 200 dollars’ worth, you might get to add more products into your shop.

+There will be feedback section for all orders, so you can track which seller/buyer is good.

+ fee will be commission based

When the update is going live we will update you again. Meanwhile, please enjoy shopping at jakarade.com!

Further questions please write to us at jakarade.com facebook page