
Group helps you search for a specific groups of cards. For example, if you want to look for group of Six Samurai Cards. All you need to do is type 'Six samurai' and it will display all the cards that have the word 'six samurai' in either the name of the card or inside the effect text of the card. A lot of competitive deck use specific group of cards therefore this will help user to look for a specific group that the user is looking for. If you are unsure of the name of the group of cards you are looking for, search for one card that is in that group and search from there.


Keyword is the list of keywords that has been chosen specifically chosen to help user find other similar cards with similar effects or support. Below shows a few examples of what some of the keyword mean to give you an idea.

'DARK' - the keyword of 'dark' will display cards that contains the word dark inside the text effect. This should therefore be the keyword that user will use to find the support for a dark deck or any deck that contains a lot of dark monsters.

'gain ATK' will display all the cards that contain words related to increasing monster attack

'deck to hand' contains words that contains the effect of adding speficic/non-specific card to hand. For example, user who uses exodia deck might want to look in this area for cards that can add exodia pieces from deck to hand instead of looking through every yugioh cards ever printed.

'win the duel' contains cards that will make you win the duel instead of reducing opponent's life point to zero. User who want to find other ways of winning might want to look at this section.

'standby phase' will be the cards that contains the word 'standby phase' inside the card effect text. Some user who want to look for cards that only contain this words can search for it.

There are many keywords created in this website each for specific purpose. If you want to see the full list of keywords Click here .