Yugioh - Multi Piece Golem TDGS-JP038 Jakarade
Official Name / Unofficial Name
Multiple Piece Golem / Multi Piece Golem
Price / Condition
$ 6.33 / 100%
Card Code
Rarity / Condition
Super / 100%
Attribute / Type / ATK / DEF
Earth   /   Rock   /   2600 / 1300
Big Piece Golem + "Mid Piece Golem"Big Piece Golem + "Mid Piece Golem"
You can return this card to the Extra Deck during the end of a Battle Phase in which it attacked or was attacked. Then, if all of the Fusion Material Monsters used to Fusion Summon the card returned to the Extra Deck are in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon them all.
Big Piece Golem + "Medium Piece Golem" At the end of the Battle Phase, if this card attacked or was attacked, you can return it to the Extra Deck. Then, if all of the Fusion Material Monsters that were used for the Fusion Summon of this card are in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon them.
Set / Subset
Booster Box 6 / The Duelist Genesis
Golem, Fusion, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0  /  return monster to extra deck, card returns, activate when attack, battle phase, special summon from graveyard, fusion, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
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