Yugioh - The Legendary Fisherman DP16-JP027 Jakarade
Official Name / Unofficial Name
The Legendary Fisherman / The Legendary Fisherman
Price / Condition
$ 1.67 / 100%
Card Code
Rarity / Condition
Common / 100%
Attribute / Type / ATK / DEF
Water   /   Warrior   /   1850 / 1600
Special Ability
0 0
As long as "Umi" is face-up on the field, this card is unaffected by any spell cards. Monsters on your opponents side of the field cannot select this card as an attack target.
As long as "Umi" is face-up on the field, this card is unaffected by any Spell Cards. Monsters on your opponent's side of the field cannot select this card as an attack target.
Set / Subset
Duelist Pack / Duelist Pack 16 Battle City
, 7, 0  / 
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