Yugioh - Meta-Cooler, Enhanced Menace BT17-141 Jakarade
Official Name / Unofficial Name
/ Meta-Cooler, Enhanced Menace
Price / Condition
$ 5.00 / 100%
Rarity / Condition
Super Rare EN / 100%
Energy-ExhaustBlocker Permanent If you have a ?Meta-Cooler? card in play, negate this card's Energy-Exhaust skill in all areas. Auto When this card is played from your hand, look at up to 7 cards from the top of your deck, play up to 3 {Infinite Multiplication Meta-Cooler} among them in Rest Mode, then shuffle your deck.
Set / Subset
Dragonball Super / Dragonball BT17
, 1, 0  / 
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