Yugioh - Bewitching Country Elara BD-B7-09 Jakarade
Official Name / Unofficial Name
/ Bewitching Country Elara
Price / Condition
$ 2.00 / 100%
Rarity / Condition
Rare - JP / 100%
?Awaken??Automatic?When this unit appears from your hand, if you have 10 or more cards in your Graveyard, target 1 of your opponent's units, and during that turn, the target is ?reduce-3000?. ?Awaken??Permanent?If there are 15 or more cards in your Graveyard, this unit gains ?+3000? and [Decoy]. (Decoy: Valid if rested. Opponent cannot attack anything other than decoy)
Set / Subset
Build Divide / Build Divide JP BT07
, 1, 0  / 
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