Yugioh - Reinstatement Angel Leobros A-B4-50 Jakarade
Official Name / Unofficial Name
/ Reinstatement Angel Leobros
Price / Condition
$ 2.00 / 100%
Rarity / Condition
Normal - Parallel JP / 100%
[Judgment: When your opponent's unit appears, you get 1 condemnation counter] ? Awakening ? ? Permanent ? For each of your condemnation counters, this unit is ? increase + 1000?. ? Awakening ? ? Auto ? At the beginning of your End Phase, if you have 10 or more condemnation counters, destroy this unit, return all units to your hand, and remove all your condemnation counters.
Set / Subset
Build Divide / BD-B4
, 1, 0  / 
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