Yugioh - Magical Arm Shield 15AX-JPM49 Jakarade
Official Name / Unofficial Name
Magical Arm Shield / Magical Arm Shield
Price / Condition
$ 1.67 / 100%
Card Code
Rarity / Condition
Millenium / 100%
Activate only when your opponent declares an attack while you control a monster. Take control of 1 of your opponents face-up monsters, except the attacking monster, until the end of the Battle Phase. It is attacked instead.
Activate only when your opponent declares an attack while there is a monster on your side of the field. Take control of 1 of your opponent's face-up monsters, except the attacking monster, and this monster is attacked instead. At the end of the Battle Phase, return control of this monster to your opponent.
Set / Subset
Piece of Memory / POM Side Yugi
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